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Types of Essays in IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 is much more than just creating an essay of at least 250 words in 40 minutes!

Task 2 of the IELTS Writing test judges your ability to discuss and justify your opinion, provide relevant examples to support your arguments and conclude with your final thoughts or suggestions.

You must have explicit knowledge of the various types of essays asked in the IELTS Writing Task 2, to ace your IELTS essay.

The essay themes are usually based on topics of general interest like technology in education, environmental issues, crime, animal testing, community service, rehabilitation, and public transport, to name a few.

This article will unfold and discuss different kinds of essays asked in IELTS Academic Writing Task 2.

Table of Contents

IELTS Essay Types and Structure

The IELTS Writing Task 2 consists of several essay types: Discussion Essays, Opinion Essays, Multi-part Essays, Multi-part and Opinion Essays, Positive/Negative Essays, Advantage/Disadvantage Essays, and Cause/Solution Essays.

Immediately after reading the essay prompt, you must first decide your essay structure and points to be covered in each paragraph of the essay. Doing this will help you systematically plan your IELTS Academic essay.

The basic structure of essay writing in IELTS Writing Task 2 is as follows:

  • Introduction: The opening paragraph of your essay must be engaging and hint towards what you will explain in the main paragraphs of the essay. The best way to write an introduction is to paraphrase the task statement and write the thesis statement.
  • Paraphrasing the task statement will indicate the central theme of the essay. On the other hand, the thesis statement explains your take on the topic.

  • Body Paragraph: The main essence of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is the body paragraph. Generally, there are 1-2 body paragraphs which explain the main arguments involved in the essay. For example, Agree/Disagree, Advantage/Disadvantage, Problem/Solution, Positive/Negative. The details of the body paragraphs are listed below:
    • Body Paragraph 1: The first body paragraph covers the essay's main idea/argument with supporting explanations and examples. For example, in agree/disagree essay, you can write why you agree with the essay task statement. You must write the body paragraph 1 in 6-8 sentences.
    • Body Paragraph 2: The second body paragraph discusses the secondary idea/argument of the essay with supporting reasons and examples. For example, in agree/disagree essay, you can write why you disagree with the essay task statement. You must write body paragraph 2 in 6-8 sentences.
  • Conclusion: Finally, you must summarize the points discussed in the essay and give your final thoughts or suggestions.
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7 Types of Essays in IELTS Academic with Sample Questions

In this section, we will discuss 7 different types of essays in IELTS Task 2 of the writing test. In addition, you will understand the best technique to attempt IELTS Writing Task 2 essays with our sample questions.

Now, let's have a look at the IELTS Writing Task 2 essay types explained below:

1. Discussion Essay

This type of IELTS essay prompt states two varied opinions on a popular trend. You need to discuss both views and give your opinion on the topic.

Sample Question:

Some feel that contemporary technology is widening the disparities between the wealthy and the poor, while others disagree. Discuss both points of view and express your perspective.

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Look for essential terms in the task statement. The phrases "contemporary technology" and "disparities between the wealthy and the poor" are essential in this context. Hence, the introduction must be centred around these words in a paraphrased form. Then, describe what you are going to discuss in the essay.

For example, A segment of society thinks that new-age technology is the prime reason for the rising difference between the rich and poor population, while others believe the contrary. This essay revolves around both viewpoints.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss why modern technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Explain why modern technology is a step towards bringing both rich and poor together. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions.

2. Opinion Essay

This essay question type asks you to agree or disagree with the task statement. You need to pick a side to write a well-developed essay. Agreeing with both views or giving a diplomatic answer favouring both opinions might mislead the examiner, leading to low scored essay.

Sample Question:

Some say that young individuals are more innovative than mature individuals in business or the workplace. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Talk about the stereotype which claims young people are more creative than mature people in business or at work. Drop a hint on your stance on the topic.

For example, In general, people hold a stereotype that after attaining a certain age, creative thinking takes a back seat. Owing to this, older employees are forced to leave the company to make space for fresh and young talents to let the creative juices flow. I think both young and older adults have strengths and weaknesses in their creative processes.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss why you think that younger people are more creative than older people in the workplace. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Elaborate on why you think having more experienced employees is crucial for the company's growth. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions. Specifically, for opinion-based essays, your conclusion should focus more on your stance, agree or disagree.

3. Multi-part Essay

Since direct questions are asked in this type of essay, it is also called a 'Direct Question Essay'. The multi-part essay contains questions, some of which can be answered directly, whereas others are complex and require in-depth answers. The structure of the essay will depend upon the order of questions asked in the essay.

Sample Question:

Several people work harder than others in education and employment. Why do various people work harder? Is it at all times an excellent thing to work hard?

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Talk about the importance of working hard while pursuing education and employment. Briefly discuss your opinion on the questions in the essay.

For example, In times of immense competition, it becomes imperative to prove your worth every time. Working hard in everything you do, be it academics or profession, is the need of the hour. People in every occupation require a certain level of expertise, which comes with practice and working hard in a real-time environment. Working hard is only sometimes needed; working smart is a pressing priority in modern times.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss why you think that people work harder. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Express your viewpoints on whether working hard is always a good thing to do. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions.

4. Multi-part and Opinion Essay

This essay type is an extended form of a Multi-part essay, with an additional part asking your opinion on the topic. In Multi-part and opinion essay, you will be given a set of questions and explicitly asked to provide your views on the task statement.

Sample Question:

We have often thought of creating an ideal society, but most of the time, we have failed to make this happen. How can we create a perfect society? What are your thoughts on a perfect society?

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Talk about the significance of creating an ideal society and highlight the possible reasons for the failure in shaping a perfect society. Briefly discuss your opinion on the questions in the essay.

For example, Most people want to live in a perfect society. However, the living environment is a deciding factor in residing in various societies. Many countries have diverse cultures with people from different religions; tying all the cultures together can create an exemplary community.

However, due to cultural differences achieving this might take years to accomplish. The following essay will discuss the reasons behind this and practical ways to develop and shape an ideal society.

Body Paragraph 1: Explain the reasons behind the failure to set an ideal community. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Discuss how to create an ideal society and share your opinion about a perfect community. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 3: Share your opinion about a perfect community. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions.

5. Positive/Negative Essay

As the name suggests, a Positive/Negative essay contains a statement of general interest, based on which you have to explain whether the subject matter has resulted in a positive or negative development.

Sample Question:

For about 500 years, the world has been shaped by globalization. Is it a positive or negative development?

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Talk about the impact created through globalization on the global economies. Indicate whether you think it is a positive development or not.

For example, Globalization has undoubtedly led to the overall development of worldwide economies in a positive light. While some say that globalization has negative consequences, it has produced significant achievements, albeit authorities should be cautious of the adverse effects of globalization.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss the positive impact of globalization over the years. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Explain the negative impact created through globalization over the years. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions.

6. Cause/Solution Essay

In Cause/solution essay, you are given a statement emphasizing a problem faced by people at large. Hence, this type of essay is also known as Problem Solution Essay. You are sometimes asked to discuss problems or issues related to the given topic and give suggestions to solve these issues.

Sample Question:

Overpopulation in urban areas has led to several problems. Pick one or two serious issues and make recommendations for how the public and governments might address them.

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Paraphrase the task statement using synonyms, changing word forms and sentence structures. Talk about 1-2 significant problems related to overpopulation in urban areas. Highlight the points you are going to explain in the essay.

For example, The rising population in urban localities has resulted in many setbacks for society on several grounds. The major problems which are an evident consequence of overpopulation are rising levels of unemployment and the degradation of the environment. In this essay, I will discuss these issues in depth and suggest ways to improve the present challenging and unpleasant situation.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss the first problem caused by overpopulation. Give at least 1-2 consequences and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Explain the second problem caused by overpopulation. Give at least 1-2 consequences and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 3: Elucidate the solutions for each problem discussed above. The solutions must be practical concerning the specific authorities responsible for handling these problems.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions or prediction.

7. Advantage/Disadvantage Essay

In this type of essay, you must discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the given task statement. There are three possible ways to ask this question.

first one will ask you to state the advantages and disadvantages. The second one will ask whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa. The last one may ask you for your opinion and the advantages and disadvantages.

Sample Question:

Computers are essential to school lessons. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

How to Attempt:

Introduction: Talk about the importance of computer-aided education in schools. Point out the advantages and disadvantages you will explain in the essay.

For example, Computers are becoming an essential teaching tool in educational institutions. The capacity to supply students with audio-visual information is the most significant benefit of utilizing computers in teaching. In my opinion, the benefits of doing so considerably exceed the tiny drawbacks of excessive computer use.

Body Paragraph 1: Discuss the advantages of computer-aided education in schools. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Explain the disadvantages of computer-aided education in schools. Give at least 1-2 reasons and examples to support your argument.

Body Paragraph 3: Give your opinion on the relevance of computer-based education in schools. Support your argument with relevant examples.

Conclusion: Summarize the entire essay with your final thoughts and suggestions.

Improve your Writing Skills for IELTS

What are the Learning Objectives of Essay Writing?

Essay writing may be used to fulfil a range of learning goals, including:

  • Strengthening Research Skills: Essay writing may assist students in learning how to do research and obtain information from several sources, such as books, articles, and websites.
  • Enhancing Writing Abilities: Essays allow students to practice and refine their writing skills, such as grammar, syntax, and structure.
  • Improving Critical Thinking and Analysis Skills: Essay writing requires students to analyze and interpret material and ideas and present their thoughts and arguments clearly and logically.
  • Showcasing Comprehension of a Topic: Students can demonstrate their grasp of a specific topic or subject by writing an essay.
  • Polishing Communication Skills: Writing essays may assist students in developing their ability to persuasively express their thoughts and opinions in writing, which is crucial in academic and professional contexts.

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