6 reasons you shouldn't miss out on IGCSE Online Maths tutoring course

Education Career

Know your teachers

Education Career

CL has brought together a dream-team of teachers with IGCSE experience. Know their teaching & educational background and passion for Maths.

A comprehensive session plan to cover the latest IGCSE syllabus

Education Career
S.No. Chapter
1.1 Vocabulary and notation for different sets of numbers: natural numbers N, primes, squares, cubes, integers Z, rational numbers Q, irrational numbers, real numbers R, triangle numbers
1.2 Use of the four operations and brackets
1.3 Highest common factor, lowest common multiple
1.4 Calculation of powers and roots
1.5 Ratio and proportion

1.6 *

Absolute value | x |
1.7 Equivalences between decimals, fractions, ratios and percentages
1.8 Percentages including applications such as interest and profit
1.9 Meaning of exponents (powers, indices) in Q Standard Form a x 10n where 1 ≤ a < 10 and n ∈ Z Rules for exponents

1.10 *

Surds (radicals), simplifi cation of square root expressions Rationalisation of the denominator
1.11 Estimating, rounding, decimal places and significant figures
1.12 Calculations involving time: second (s), minutes (min), hours (h), days, months, years including the relation between consecutive units
1.13 Problems involving speed, distance and time problems

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
2.1 Writing, showing and interpretation of inequalities, including those on the real number line
2.2 Solution of linear and quadratic inequalities Solution of inequalities using a graphics calculator
2.3 Solution of linear equations including those with fractional expressions
2.4 Indices
2.5 Derivation, rearrangement and evaluation of formulae
2.6 Solution of simultaneous linear equations in two variables
2.7 Expansion of brackets, including the square of a binomial
2.8 Factorisation: common factor
difference of squares
four term
2.9 Algebraic fractions:
simplifi cation, including use of factorisation addition or subtraction of fractions with linear denominators
multiplication or division and simplification of two fractions

2.10 *

Solution of quadratic equations:
by factorisation
using a graphics calculator
using the quadratic formula
2.11 Use of a graphics calculator to solve equations, including those which may be unfamiliar
2.12 Continuation of a sequence of numbers or patterns Determination of the nth term
Use of a difference method to find the formula for a linear sequence, a quadratic sequence or a cubic sequence
Identification of a simple geometric sequence and determination of its formula

2.13 *

Direct variation (proportion), Inverse variation, Best variation model for given data

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
3.1 Notation
Domain and range
Mapping diagrams

3.2 *

Recognition of the following function types from the shape of their graphs:
linear f(x) = ax + b
quadratic f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
cubic f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
reciprocal f(x) = a/x
exponential f(x) = ax with 0 < a < 1 or a > 1
absolute value f(x) = | ax + b |
trigonometric f(x) = asin(bx); acos(bx); tanx

3.3 *

Determination of at most two of a, b, c or d in simple cases of 3.2

3.4 *

Finding the quadratic function given vertex and another point, x-intercepts and a point, vertex or x-intercepts with a = 1.
3.5 Understanding of the concept of asymptotes and graphical identification of examples
3.6 Use of a graphics calculator to: sketch the graph of a function produce a table of values fi nd zeros, local maxima or minima fi nd the intersection of the graphs of functions

3.7 *

Simplify expressions such as f(g(x)) where g(x) is a linear expression
3.8 Description and identifi cation, using the language of transformations, of the changes to the graph of y = f(x) when y = f(x) + k, y = k f(x), y = f(x + k)

3.9 *

Inverse function

3.10 *

Logarithmic function as the inverse of the exponential function y = ax equivalent to x = logay Rules for logarithms corresponding to rules for exponents Solution to ax = b as x = log b / log a.

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
4.1 Use and interpret the geometrical terms:
acute, obtuse, right angle, reflex, parallel, perpendicular, congruent, similar
Use and interpret vocabulary of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and simple solid figures
4.2 Line and rotational symmetry
4.3 Angle measurement in degrees
4.4 Angles round a point
Angles on a straight line and intersecting straight lines Vertically opposite angles
Alternate and corresponding angles on parallel lines
Angle sum of a triangle, quadrilateral and polygons
Interior and exterior angles of a polygon
Angles of regular polygons
4.5 Similarity
Calculation of lengths of similar figures
Use of area and volume scale factors
4.6 Pythagoras’ Theorem and its converse in two and three dimensions
chord length
distance of a chord from the centre of a circle
distances on a grid
4.7 Use and interpret vocabulary of circles Properties of circles:
tangent perpendicular to radius at the point of contact
tangents from a point
angle in a semicircle
angles at the centre and at the circumference on the same arc
cyclic quadrilateral
S.No. Chapter
5.1 Vector Notation, Line with a direction, Components of a Vector

5.2 *

Addition and subtraction of vectors
Negative of a vector
Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

5.3 *

Magnitude | a |
5.4 Transformations on the Cartesian plane:
translation, refl ection, rotation, enlargement (reduction), stretch
Description of a translation using the notation in 5.1

5.5 *

Inverse of a transformation

5.6 *

Combined transformations

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
6.1 Units: mm, cm, m, km
Sq. mm , Sq. cm , Sq. m , ha, Sq. km
Cubic mm , Cubic cm , Cubic m
ml, cl, l,
g, kg, t
6.2 Perimeter and area of rectangle, triangle and compound shapes derived from these
6.3 Circumference and area of a circle Arc length and area of sector
6.4 Surface area and volume of prism and pyramid (in particular, cuboid, cylinder and cone) Surface area and volume of sphere and hemisphere
6.5 Areas and volumes of compound shapes
S.No. Chapter
7.1 Plotting of points and reading from a graph in the Cartesian plane
7.2 Distance between two points
7.3 Midpoint of a line segment
7.4 Gradient of a line segment
7.5 Gradient of parallel and perpendicular lines
7.6 Equation of a straight line as y = mx + c and ax + by = d (a, b and d integer)

7.7 *

Linear inequalities on the Cartesian plane
7.8 Symmetry of diagrams or graphs in the Cartesian plane

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
8.1 Right-angled triangle trigonometry

8.2 *

Exact values for the trigonometric ratios

8.3 *

Extension to the four quadrants

8.4 *

Sine Rule

8.5 *

Cosine Rule

8.6 *

Area of triangle
8.7 Applications: three-fi gure bearings and North, East, South, West problems in two and three dimensions
8.8 Properties of the graphs of y = sin x, y = cos x, y = tan x

* Covered in Extended syllabus

S.No. Chapter
9.1 Notation and meaning for:
is an element of (∈); is not an element of (∉);
is a subset of (⊂); is a proper subset of (⊆);
universal set (∪), empty set (∅ or { });
complement of A, (A'); number of elements in A, (n(A))
9.2 Sets in descriptive form { x | } or as a list
9.3 Venn diagrams with at most three sets
9.4 Intersection and union of sets
S.No. Chapter
10.1 Probability P(A) as a fraction, decimal or percentage Signifi cance of its value
10.2 Relative frequency as an estimate of probability
10.3 Expected frequency of occurrences
10.4 Combining events: the addition rule P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) the multiplication rule P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B)
10.5 Tree diagrams including successive selection with or without replacement
10.6 Probabilities from Venn diagrams and tables
S.No. Chapter
11.1 Reading and interpretation of graphs or tables of data
11.2 Discrete and continuous data
11.3 (Compound) bar chart, line graph, pie chart, stem and leaf diagram, scatter diagram
11.4 Mean, mode, median, quartiles and range from lists of discrete data Mean, mode, median and range from grouped discrete data
11.5 Mean from continuous data

11.6 *

Histograms with frequency density on the vertical axis using continuous data
11.7 Cumulative frequency table and curve Median, quartiles, percentiles and inter-quartile range
11.8 Use of a graphics calculator to calculate mean, median, and quartiles for discrete data and mean for grouped data
11.9 Understanding and description of correlation (positive, negative or zero) with reference to a scatter diagram Straight line of best fi t (by eye) through the mean on a scatter diagram Use a graphics calculator to fi nd equation of linear regression

Busting 5 Maths-learning myths that hold back lakhs of students every year from improving their grades

Education Career

Here is a common pattern we have observed in parents with kids in Grade IX or X.

What most parents say is that no matter how hard they have previously tried, they've found it difficult to engage their child with Maths from Grades VI to VIII. This has often resulted in poor marks. As a consequence, the kids' interest in the subject has gradually lowered and their belief in being able to understand and score high marks in Maths dampened.

By the time the students reach grade IX or X, they start thinking of Maths as a chore, rather than a subject they can deeply enjoy and excel in.

Let's take a look at 5 popular myths that hold hundreds of thousands of students back year after year and why they don't any more credence.

  • Myth: It takes a genius to score high marks in IGCSE Grade X Maths

    Fact: We strongly lean towards the "Nurture" side of the "Nurture vs Nature" debate when it comes to Maths. Given the right teacher, tools and techniques, anyone can do much better than they may be currently doing. This is the difference which can push a core student from Grade E to C or an Extended student from Grade B to A.

  • Myth: If s/he could just stress a little less in Maths exams, s/he will do better.

    Fact: A high-stakes test like IGCSE brings its own share of exam stress and Maths anxiety that leads to students forgetting practised problems and making silly calculation errors in the exam. A student can't will themself out of it. They need teachers who can simplify concepts, and show the right way to approach problems in exam conditions.

  • Myth: Any Maths teacher can teach for IGCSE Grade IX and X.

    Fact: Teaching IGCSE Maths needs a solid understanding of the Cambridge's expectations, marking schemes, and patterns in previous papers. A good teacher will distill the topics so that kid can identify and understand concepts and formulae behind differently-worded problems.

  • Myth: My child is going to opt for humanities. So, it is alright if she doesn't apply herself in Maths.

    Fact: All the competitive exams, whether meant for international education (SAT, ACT, etc.) or for admission in good colleges in India (CLAT, JEE, CAT, etc.) have a rigorous Quantitative Ability section. Additionally, more of the future innovations are going be at the cusp of multiple disciplines and by retaining their comfort with numbers, a student shall have a remarkable edge over those who don't.

  • Myth: Boys are better in Maths and Girls in Language.

    Fact: Such stereotypes start acting as self-fulfilling prophecy. Believe in your daughters as much as you do in your sons and let Pygmalion weave its magic!

Free orientation video of IGCSE Maths Online Tutoring

Education Career

Watch a free orientation session presented by Mr. R. Shiva Kumar, Chief Academic Officer, CL

  • What it takes to score high marks in IGCSE Grade IX and X Maths?
  • What would be the program outline and teaching methodology?
  • Importance of Maths in future and competitive exams like SAT, ACT, etc.