SAT Exam Registration 2025: How to Apply, Change Dates, Cancellation Process

Are you planning to take your SAT exam soon and confused about the SAT exam registration process ? Then, fret not, you can easily register for your SAT exam online. The online SAT exam registration is a convenient option for high school students applying for the SAT exam on a preferred test date. 

Even before registering for the SAT exam, you must create an official College Board account, then check for the available exam dates. While choosing your desired SAT test date, you must be aware of the upcoming SAT exam dates and deadlines. In addition, you must also check the SAT registration deadlines, before booking your SAT test day. 

Now, let’s decode the SAT exam registration process, SAT exam registration last date and deadlines, and how to apply for your preferred SAT test date, change your exam date and SAT exam cancellation process.

Why has the SAT Exam Pattern changed?

The mode of Digital SAT registration is online. You can register for Digital SAT online, by creating an account on the College Board website. Once, you login to your account you can create your student profile by filling out your personal information and subsequently check for the availability of SAT test dates for your selected test center. The online SAT registration is the most sought after method followed by high school students around the world.

Points to Remember Before Starting the SAT Exam Registration Process

The SAT exam registration process online is a simplified method, but you must be eligible for taking the SAT exam and keep all your documents ready before booking for preferred test date and centre. When registering for your SAT exam online, you must keep the following prerequisites in check:

  • Select your Preferred SAT Testing Center: Even before registering for your SAT exam, you must check for the availability of nearby SAT test centers in your area. 
  • Check for SAT exam dates: Then, look for the SAT exam dates and seats available for your selected testing center. 
  • Create your College Board Account: After shortlisting your desired SAT exam testing facility and SAT test date, you must create an account on the official website of College Board. Your parent or guardian can also sign up on your behalf for the SAT registration.
  • Upload Your Picture: Once, you setup your account on College Board, you can upload a clear and valid photo of yourself. 
  • Payment Options: Check the available payment options for SAT registration and keep your valid credit card in place to process your payment in a timely manner.

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How to Check Upcoming SAT Exam Registration Dates?

The SAT exam dates and SAT exam registration dates are updated on the official website of College Board. These test dates are subject to change and you must check the upcoming SAT exam registration dates before applying for your desired SAT test date.

What Information is Required During Sat Exam Registration?

When you are registering for your SAT exam online, you must keep the following information ready with you:

  • Personal Details: You must list out your:
    • Full legal name as it appears on your photo ID, 
    • Date of birth, 
    • Gender, 
    • Mailing address, 
    • Phone number, and 
    • Current grade level.

Note: College Board uses your legal name on test day to confirm your identity, but if you have a preferred first name, you can provide it in your College Board account. In this case, your preferred first name will be used by the College Board in all official communications with you.

  • Valid Photograph: You must attach a presentable photo of yourself. This means the photograph should be clearly visible, without any filter, visual effects, or lighting issues. Preferably choosing a photograph you submit for your photo ID will be apt, as the testing center staff will compare your photograph with your photo iD 
  • Name of your High School: State the institution name where you are studying for your high school education. 
  • Acceptance of SAT Terms and Conditions: You must carefully read all the terms and conditions for taking the SAT exam, listed by the College Board. Then, you must accept all the terms and conditions, before proceeding with the SAT exam registration. 
  • Digital Testing Device: You must confirm and specify the type of testing device you will use at the time of your exam—-for example, laptop or tablet. 
  • Payment or a Fee Waiver: You will proceed to pay the applicable exam fees. If you are eligible for a SAT exam fee wavier, you can apply for it.

Step-by-step Process of SAT Exam Registration

You must follow the following steps for SAT exam registration:

Step 1: Create Your College Board Account

The first and most important step is to create your Account on the official website of College Board. For creating your account, you will be required to fill out all your personal information like your first & last name, gender, date of birth, email id, postal address and pin code. Then, you are required to confirm your personal details and email id, and proceed further to create a strong password for your “My SAT” account. Thereafter, you must add your mobile phone number, which is optional. After this, your My SAT account will be created, which will be used for SAT exam registration, changing or cancelling SAT exam registration, or SAT test center and test dates, and accessing SAT score reports. 

SAT Exam Registration Step 1 Create Your College Board Account

Step 2: Fill Your Personal Information 

Go to your account and click on register for SAT, then add your information relevant for SAT exam registration. This step is multifold and carries the following sub-steps:

  1. Student Information: Fill in your personal information. It will be auto-filled since you have an account. However, you need to confirm a few details like email id and other details.
  2. Other Personal Information: Then, you need to fill in the other perosnal information related to your ethnicity, parents educational level, languages etc. 
  3. Create Your Student Profile and Select Student Search Service: Next, you need to select whether you want to avail the Student Search Service or not, and click on continue to create your student profile.
  4. Advanced Placement, GPA, and Rank: In this section, you need to select whether you want to avail the advanced placement or not. Next, you must specify your GPA, and rank received in your 12th grade. 
  5. Coursework: Next up, you need to select specific courses you studied throughout your high school, including 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. The main coursework covers the particular topics you studied in Math, English, Science, Social Science, and Languages.
  6. High School Activities: Then, you need to specify the kind of extra-curricular activities you have participated in throughout your high school. For example, art work, sports, etc.
  7. Education Level: In this section, you need to fill out all relevant information regarding your education level. In addition, you may also include the kind of colleges you would like to target in terms of size of institution, majors you would like to opt for, etc. However, this is optional.
SAT Exam Registration Step 2 Fill Your Personal Information

Step: 3 Select Test Center and Test Date

The next step is to select your preferred test centre and SAT exam date. You will need to read all the terms and conditions listed on the page and click ‘Continue’ to proceed further. Then, you need to select your ‘Testing Country’ and click next. Then, select your preferred test date and click next. Then, you must select your ‘Test Center’ within your country and all the test centres available for your selected SAT test date will appear. Next, select your preferred test centre and click next. At last, you must confirm your test details, including the SAT exam date, test centre, accommodations, and charges or fees.

SAT Exam Registration Step 3 Select Test Center and Test Date

Step 4: Upload Your Photo

The third step is to upload your photo in an acceptable format. You must upload a recent photo with adequate lighting, clear background and visibility. Once, you have uploaded the photo, you can click on ‘Check Out’.

SAT Exam Registration Step 4 Upload Your Photo

Step 5: Check Out

The last step is to review your entire application in a short snap, but before that, you must fill in the type of device you will use on your SAT test day. Then, check all your personal information and test details to verify and confirm your credentials. Finally, click on ‘Continue’ to complete your SAT exam Registration. 

SAT Exam Registration Step 5 Check Out

Is There Any Deadline for SAT Registration?

Yes, each SAT exam date has a separate SAT registration deadline. All deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. ET, U.S. Hence, you must be aware of the last date for SAT registration for your intended SAT exam date, which can be checked on the official website of College Board. 

How to check the Last Date of SAT Exam Registration?

You can visit the official website of College Board— the administrator of SAT worldwide, to check the last date of the SAT exam registration. Every SAT exam date has a separate deadline for SAT exam registration and a deadline for late registration, which can be followed by applicants around the globe. If a student needs to borrow a device from College Board, they must register and request the device at least 30 days prior to the test day, which is earlier than the registration deadline.

How to change your SAT Registration Date?

Candidates must cancel their current SAT registration in order to reschedule an exam date; they will be either USD 29 or USD 39 depending on when they cancel. Applicants must re-register for a new SAT exam date after the previous SAT date has been canceled.

Previously candidates could choose to reschedule the SAT exam at an extra cost, but now they must cancel their registration, pay the extra cost, and then re-register and pay the fee. Therefore, in order to avoid the need for modifications, it is advised that candidates choose when to take the SAT and apply all at once. By doing this, they will be able to avoid paying extra for both cancellation and re-registration.

How to Cancel an SAT Registration?

You can use your My SAT account to cancel your SAT registration for a particular date, if necessary. For this purpose, a cancellation fee will be charged, however your registration cost will be fully refunded if you cancel before Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET prior to test day.

SAT Cancellation Fees and Deadlines:

You will have to re-register if you decide you do wish to take the test on that day after canceling your registration.

Cancellation Condition

Cancellation Fees (USD)

If you cancel before the change deadline


If you cancel after the change deadline, by Thursday 11:59 p.m. ET before test day


Steps for Cancelling SAT Registration

Step 1: To cancel your SAT registration, log into your My SAT account and choose the desired registration.

Step 2: Choose "Cancel Registration" from the "I would like to" menu.

Step 3: You have the option to cancel your registration and then register again for an alternate date.

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Taking the SAT exam in your 11th class is considered the right time, as you have sufficient time and subject knowledge to ace your SAT. Since your 10th-class study material has already been covered, it is best to take your first SAT in the 11th class. If you are not satisfied with your SAT scores, then you can always re-take the SAT exam in your 12th grade.

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Students can typically register for the SAT if they are enrolled in or have graduated from high school. Students in grades 11 and 12 often take the SAT test.

It is said that taking the SAT in your eleventh grade is the ideal time since you will have enough time and topic knowledge to ace the test. Taking your first SAT in the eleventh grade is the ideal option because you have previously studied the content from the tenth grade. There is always the option to retake the SAT exam in your 12th grade if you are unhappy with your results.

Yes, you can book a new test date after registering for the SAT exam, by loging into your official College Board account. However, you must first cancel your existing SAT test date and register again, to change the test date and test centre.

Although there are possibilities for late registration at an additional cost, it is imperative to register before to the usual deadline in order to avoid late penalties.

Go to the "My SAT" section after logging into your College Board account. Then, check for any changes or alerts about the progress of your registration. You are ought to receive a message confirming your registration for the impending test if it has been verified.

If required, you can cancel your SAT registration for a certain day using your My SAT account. There will be a cancellation fee for this reason, but if you cancel by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET on test day, your registration value will be fully reimbursed.

Usually, a last name is required while filling up the SAT registration form online. However, if you do not have a last name, then you can write “No name” against the last name column. It is always recommended to stick to the name written on your valid ID proof, like a passport or Aadhaar card.

It is only practical to apply for the SAT exam online since the registration procedure is simpler, more flexible, and more accessible than ever before. It can be time-consuming to register for the SAT offline, and students might not be able to edit their already filed application.

You can register for the SAT online by logging into your College Board account.