What is the CEEB Code & How Can You Find It?

The term 'CEEB Code' may be familiar to you if you're applying to colleges or institutions in the USA or taking standardized tests, like the SAT. The College Board assigns colleges, universities, testing facilities, and high schools a unique identification number known as the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code. Since these codes guarantee precise data transmission, such codes expedite the college application and standardized exam processes. 

Whether you're trying to find the College Board CEEB code for your institution, or the College Board CEEB code list, or wondering how to get a CEEB code, this article will help you understand its significance and how to obtain one.

What are CEEB Codes?

A College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code is a unique identification code that the College Board assigns to universities, institutions, schools, and scholarship programs. It's interesting to note that CEEB stands for College Entrance Examination Board, the College Board's former name. Students utilize CEEB codes to identify various institutions, such as high schools, colleges, universities, and scholarship programs, at different stages of the college application process.

CEEB for Indian Universities

Indian colleges participating in international admissions or standardized testing, such as the SAT and AP examinations, may receive a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code from the College Board. These codes are required to deliver official exam scores to colleges and ensure a smooth application procedure.

However, not all Indian colleges have a CEEB code because it is mostly applied to those that regularly accept students based on their performance on international standardized tests like the SAT. If your university does not have a CEEB code, you might need to use a general code (such as "0000" or "9999" for unspecified universities) or contact the College Board for more help.

To find the CEEB code for an Indian university, you can:

  • Check the College Board's official CEEB code list on their website.
  • Look up the university's details on standardized test registration portals.
  • Contact the university's admissions office to verify their assigned code.

Some well-known Indian universities, such as IITs, IIMs, Delhi University, and Anna University, may have assigned CEEB codes due to their international student base. Always share your test scores with the correct code to avoid delays in the application process.

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What is the Need for CEEB Code?

In the standardized testing and admissions process, a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code is essential for maintaining accuracy and speed while processing student applications and test score submissions. 

Why is the CEEB Code Important?

  • Facilitates Test Score Reporting: A College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code is essential in the standardized testing and admissions process, assuring accuracy and speed when processing student applications and submitting test scores. 
  • Prevents Application Errors: With thousands of schools worldwide, having a CEEB code minimizes confusion created by similar school names and assures that applications and scores reach their intended destination.
  • Streamlines College Admissions: Several U.S. colleges and overseas programs require students to include their high school or previous university's CEEB code during the application process to facilitate the tracking of academic credentials.
  • Essential for Financial Aid and Scholarships: CEEB numbers are also employed by several financial aid programs and scholarship providers to confirm applicants' educational backgrounds and guarantee that financial support is awarded to qualified students.
  • Used by International Universities: Although CEEB codes are commonly utilized in the United States, many international and Indian universities that accept SAT or AP results also have codes allocated to them, making the admissions process easier worldwide.

How to Get Your CEEB Code?

To find your institution's College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code - a unique six-digit identifier used by the College Board, follow these steps:

  • Access the K–12 School Code Search Tool: Visit the College Board's official website and navigate to the K–12 School Code.
  • Enter Your School's Information: In the search form, input your school's name and location details, such as country, state, and zip code.
  • Retrieve the CEEB Code: After submitting the search, the tool will display your school's unique six-digit CEEB code.

If your institution does not have a CEEB code, you can request one by creating a College Board Code Request account or signing in to an existing College Board account.

How to find CEEB Code?

Source: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/

Is CEEB Code for Indian Universities or Universities Abroad?

CEEB Codes are mainly used by U.S. universities. However, some foreign and Indian universities also use CEEB codes if they require SAT, AP, or other standardized tests administered by the College Board.

CEEB Codes for Indian Universities vs. Universities Abroad

CEEB Code for Universities Abroad (Primarily in the U.S.)

  • Most colleges and institutions in the United States require applicants to provide a unique CEEB code when submitting SAT or AP scores.
  • These codes enable universities to track and verify applicants' academic history effectively.
  • Some universities in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia also use CEEB codes if they accept SAT scores for admission.

CEEB Codes for Indian Universities

  • Only a few Indian universities and colleges that accept SAT scores or participate in international admissions initiatives have CEEB codes.
  • Indian students applying to international colleges must include their high school's CEEB code when submitting test scores.
  • Some Indian universities with CEEB codes are Ashoka University, FLAME University, and Shiv Nadar University, noted for their international entrance requirements.

Does the College Board Give Any CEEB Code List?

Yes, the College Board publishes an official CEEB Code List with codes for high schools, colleges, universities, and test centres worldwide. Students applying to U.S. and international institutions should check the College Board's CEEB Code List to ensure their scores are sent to the relevant institution, avoiding admission delays.

How to Access the College Board CEEB Code List?

The CEEB Code List can be found through the following methods:

  1. College Board's Official Website: The College Board's website has a CEEB Code Search Tool, which allows students to check up on codes by entering the name of their high school, university, or test centre.
  2. CEEB Code Search During SAT/AP Registration:
    • When registering for the SAT, AP, or other standardized examinations, students can look up their institution's CEEB code in the College Board database.
    • If the institution does not have a particular identification number, students can enter "0000" (Unknown School) or contact the institution for assistance.
  3. College Board's PDF Code Lists
    • The College Board periodically publishes updated PDF copies of the CEEB code directory for colleges and universities.
    • Test administrators, counselors, and schools use these lists to ensure that score results are forwarded to the appropriate organizations.
  4. University & High School Admission Portals
    • Some colleges in the United States and Canada include CEEB codes on their admissions pages.
    • Counselors at high schools also keep track of CEEB codes for students submitting applications to foreign universities.


Ultimately, the CEEB Code is essential for expediting the college application process and guaranteeing correct and timely reporting of educational credentials and test results. Comprehending the CEEB code of your high school or institution is crucial for efficient application processing, regardless of whether you're applying to institutions in the United States, India, or overseas. Using the College Board's CEEB Code Search Tool and understanding its significance in financial aid, scholarships, and test score reporting will help you avoid application-related issues and ensure your documents are sent to the right schools. Always double-check your institution's code to prevent delays. Remember that although many colleges use CEEB codes worldwide, the process is the same on all platforms.