Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Tier-II Exam 2019: Analysis (November 15, 2020)

SSC CGL Tier-II exam for 2019 is scheduled to be conducted from November 15, 2020 to November 18, 2020. The exam was conducted in a Computer Based Test format.

Detailed Analysis of SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2019

Paper – I (Quantitative Abilities)

The overall difficulty level of paper-I of SSC CGL Tier-II 2019 was same as of that of the previous year’s paper. Today’s paper offered a blend of questions from Arithmetic and Advanced Mathematics.

A smart approach to the paper could have resulted in good attempt of nearly 79-82 questions. The overall difficulty level of the paper was easy to moderate.

The detailed break-up of Paper-I of SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2019 is as follows:

Topic Number of Questions (Approx.) Level of Difficulty
Ratio, Proportion and Partnerships 3 Easy
Number System 7 Easy
Simplification 2 Easy
Percentage 5 Easy
Profit, Loss & Discount 8 Easy-Moderate
SI & CI 4 Moderate
Mixture/Alligation 3 Easy – Moderate
Time, Speed & Distance 5 Easy-Moderate
Time & Work 6 Easy – Moderate
Average 5 Easy-Moderate
Algebra 8 Easy-Moderate
Co-ordinate Geometry 3 Easy
Geometry 10 Moderate
Mensuration 10 Moderate
Trigonometry 8 Moderate
Data Interpretation (2 Sets) 8 Moderate
Miscellaneous 5 Moderate

Paper – II (English Language & Comprehension)

The level of this year’s English paper was easier than that of last year’s. The overall structure and pattern of the paper was same.

A smart approach to the paper could have resulted in a good attempt of nearly 170-173 questions. The overall difficulty level of the paper was easy to moderate.

The detailed break-up of Paper-II of SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2019 is as follows:

Topic Number of Questions  (Approx.) Level of Difficulty
Spot the Error 20 Moderate
Sentence Completion 11 Easy-Moderate
Synonyms/Antonyms 6 Easy
Wrongly Spelt Words 4 Easy
Idioms & Phrases 10 Easy
Para Jumbles/Sentence Jumbles 20 Easy-Moderate
One word substitution 12 Easy
Active & Passive Voice 20 Moderate
Sentence Improvement 22 Moderate
Direct/Indirect Speech 25 Moderate
Cloze Test 25 Moderate
Reading Comprehension 25 Easy-Moderate

Disclaimer: All information on cut-offs, analysis, answer key and scores are based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.

All the best!
Team CL