SSC CHSL Tier II (Descriptive) Exam 2017 Analysis (July 15, 2018)

Today the Staff Selection Commission has conducted the CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) Tier-II (Descriptive) Exam 2017. 26,57,468 candidates appeared in CHSL Tier I exam 2017. The exam was conducted in only one time slot. A total of 2 descriptive questions of 50 marks each had to be answered in 60 minutes. The questions were available in both English and Hindi.

Exam pattern is as follows:

Section Total Questions Maximum Marks Time Taken
Essay 1 50 60 Minutes
Letter 1 50
Total 2 100

Questions asked in exam:

1. Essay: Old age and social security (250 Words, 50 Marks)
2. Letter: Write a letter to your younger brother and advise to him that if he has to make a good career for himself he should concentrate on study only. (150 Words, 50 Marks)

Disclaimer: All information on cut-offs, analysis, answer key, and scores are based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.

All the best!

Team CL


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