The College Admission Essay

The College Admission Essay

Unique to You and Your Journey

The college admission essay, a pivotal component of university applications worldwide, stands as a personal testament to a student’s past, present, and future. Whether it’s a 50 word essay for Columbia or a 900 word for Harvard and the 650-word limit for the Common Application in the U.S. or the individual prompts of the University of Oxford’s PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) course, the essay boils down to two fundamental questions: “Who am I?” and “Where am I headed?”

The College Admission Essay

Who am I? Unearthing Identity Through Stories

Universities receive thousands of applications every year. Grades and standardized test scores can only communicate so much about a student’s potential. The essay, however, offers a snapshot of one’s character, experiences, and values.

Consider Johns Hopkins University‘s application, which often asks students to share a time when they’ve collaborated or interacted with people different from themselves. A student from Mumbai might write about working with Rohingya refugees, highlighting her empathy, adaptability, and leadership. Alternatively, a young man from Texas could discuss joining a dance troupe despite cultural stigmas, revealing his resilience and dedication to breaking stereotypes. Through such prompts, universities aren’t merely seeking facts but are delving into the essence of the applicant.

Where am I headed? Charting a Course for the Future


The essay is not just a reflection of the past; it is a blueprint for the future. Stanford University’s quintessential question, “What matters to you, and why?” pushes students to look ahead. A young woman could articulate her aspirations to combat climate change, influenced by the wildfires she witnessed in Australia. Her solution might involve combining sustainable technologies and local indigenous practices, demonstrating innovation and a global perspective.

The University of Cambridge often asks applicants to comment on a piece of work or a specific topic related to their chosen course. This isn’t merely a test of knowledge but an invitation to show direction and ambition. An applicant for Modern Languages might reflect on Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and express a desire to bridge cultural gaps through literature.

Emerging Markets and Regional Powerhouses


Answering the central questions isn’t enough. The ‘why’ builds a bridge between the two, while the ‘how’ provides actionable steps. When a student from New York writes for UCLA about his ambition to become a civil rights lawyer, he’s answering the “Where am I headed?” But when he delves into witnessing racial injustices in his community and how mentorship programs shaped his perspective, he’s addressing the ‘why’. Furthermore, by detailing his plans to leverage UCLA’s renowned Law program and its proximity to diverse communities, he’s clarifying the ‘how’.

The evacuation Strategy


Essays also seek to know about your resolve to ag after the goal. This can be tested even with an essay to share about your back-up plans or the evacuation strategy should the admission season turn into a bit of a flop. The Insead essay, for example, asks you “ what would be your next step if you were to remain in the current company/position instead of going to the school?”. All these are ways of engaging you and helping you clarify in your mind about the same two broad questions of your life – Who am I ? and Where am I headed?



The college admission essay, though constrained by word limits and specific prompts, is a mosaic of one’s life, dreams, and motivations. For a 23-24 year old, it is an introspective journey that requires deep self-awareness and a clear vision of the future. It’s more than an application requirement; it’s a declaration of identity and intent.


Satya Narayanan R
Chairman, Career Launcher

About Author

Mr. Satya Narayanan R serves as the Chairman and Executive Director of Career Launcher, bringing a wealth of experience in consultancy. Holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from the prestigious IIM-Bangalore, his educational foundation is robust. He has also completed the Human Interaction Laboratory program at the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioural Sciences. Honored with several awards, he received the esteemed Karamveer Puraskar in 2009-10 by iCONGO and the Most Promising Entrepreneur Award in the Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2009. With a remarkable career spanning over 30 years in the education sector, he stands as a seasoned professional in study abroad consultancy. His extensive experience and dedication uniquely position him to guide students towards their ideal educational opportunities abroad.

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