Ultimate Revision Techniques For UPSC Prelims 2021 | UPSC Prelims 2021

UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be conducted on 10th October 2021. With just few days left, it is imperative to incorporate efficient revision techniques that could effectively improve your score in the UPSC Preliminary Examination.

In this article, we have collated some of the efficient revision techniques that are also followed by some of the toppers to increase their score in the final paper.

Best Revision Techniques For Improving Your Score in UPSC Prelims 2021

Revision plays an extremely vital role in the entire UPSC Preparation. However, it holds even more importance during the last few days before the examination. Here are some topper-proof revision techniques that can significantly improve your score in the final UPSC Prelims Examination 2021.

#1 Mind-Mapping

Mind mapping basically is the most effective revision technique. Take a piece of paper and write down the topic you want to revise. Then start with writing down or revise in mind everything you remember about that topic. You’ll be surprised to see the results! It basically trains your mind to collate all the information about the topic that you may have read at different time.

#2 Memory-Hooks

Memory hooks basically refer to things you can associate with your subject key points. For example, remembering dates is often a hefty task, but if you try and relate it with something that you already know, it becomes easier to remember. Hence, use this technique to memorize all the important articles in Polity or crucial dates in history.

#3 Use of Mnemonics

Mnemonics basically allow you to retain information through different means. For example, to learn 8 core industries in Indian Economy, just learn CCC FRENS which stands for Coal, Crude Oil, Cements, Fertilizers, Refinery Products, Electricity, Natural Gas and Steel. Make your own mnemonics to retain otherwise lengthy and bulky information.

#4 Calculated Guesswork

First of all, always remember that there is negative marking in the UPSC Paper. Hence, if at all you feel the need to increase your attempt count, then do calculated guesswork. Eliminate the options and only if you’ve a 50% probability of getting it right, take the risk and mark the answer you think is right. Otherwise, it’s best to leave the question.

Final Tip : Believe in yourself

You’ve prepared enough and you’ll definitely deliver your best in the final examination. Hence, keep yourself as calm as possible! All the best!

Important: We will provide you with the answer key of the UPSC CS Prelims 2021 on our website and Telegram channel. Hence, make sure you join our Telegram channel well in advance to keep yourself updated of the same! 

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