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Free CAT Mock Tests 2025 With Solutions

Keep A Track Of Your Progress With Our Free Mock Tests

To compete with approximately 3 lakh+ CAT aspirants for a few thousand seats in the top B-schools, it is essential to understand where you stand by amongst the competition taking free CAT 2025 mock tests before diving straight into preparations. Regularly attempt and test yourself with Career Launcher’s free CAT mocks and tailor a study plan accordingly to ace the upcoming CAT exam.

Practise with free CAT 2025 mock tests based on the latest CAT syllabus
Move from Basic > Advanced > Expert level Real CAT mocks at your own pace
Know where you stand amongst your peers with an in-depth analysis of these free mock tests

Choose The Type & Get Started With Free CAT Mock Test

The first and foremost approach for preparing for CAT 2025 should be to keep track of your level of preparation and kickstart your preparation with a bang by taking free CAT mocks.

Take Free CAT Topic-Wise Test

Take Full-Length Free CAT Mock Test

How Will CAT Mock Tests Help You Ace Your CAT Exam?

For an exam as competitive as CAT, it is best to know where you stand vis-a-vis 3 lakh+ aspirants. And nothing prepares you for a challenge better than taking it head on!

Attempting CAT mock tests is an essential part of the CAT preparation strategy. There are numerous advantages of consistently attempting mock tests and analyzing your performance. Here is how these best CAT mock tests will help you improve:

  • Starting your CAT preparation with a mock test will allow you to benchmark your current performance and create a study plan to reach your goal.
  • It helps you familiarize yourself with the latest CAT syllabus, exam pattern, and the topics covered in CAT.
  • Consistent mock tests also allow you to assess and change your preparation strategy based on what works best for you.
  • Analyzing the mock tests will help you identify your strongest areas and topics that you must work on to impact your sectional scores positively.
  • As percentiles are an important part of CAT, you will be able to understand where you stand amongst your peers.

Take A CAT Free Mock Test Online

Give your CAT preparation a head start, find your areas of improvement, and keep track of your progress with Career Launcher's FREE Mock Test for CAT exam.

Start Now!!

How To Take Career Launcher's Free CAT Mocks?

Career Launcher's free mock tests for are available online and easily accessible on our website. You can track your progress and prepare under real exam conditions using these free CAT 2025 mock tests. Don't forget to set the timer and take this test as if you are taking the actual exam so that you know where you stand and what areas you need to improve on.

Get started with the free CAT Mock Tests and benefit from the CL performance analysis tools. Below are the steps on how you can attempt these free CAT mocks online:

  • Look for the section dedicated to free CAT mocks.
  • Click on the specific type of test that you want to attempt.
  • Once you select the test, a page containing detailed instructions on the test format and time will appear in front of you.
  • Click on the Start Test button, and the test will pop open in front of you.
  • Begin the test, ensuring to simulate actual exam conditions by adhering to the provided time limits and test environment guidelines.
  • Once you complete the test, click on the Submit button and fill in your credentials, and sign up in case you are a first time test taker.
  • Upon completion, review your performance and utilize the insights to plan your CAT preparation effectively.

Test yourself with these real CAT mock tests for free and help yourself assess your readiness for the upcoming CAT 2025, adopt a study plan accordingly, and improve your performance in order to ace the exam.

Career Launcher's CAT Test Series

For exam as competitive as CAT, it is best to know where you stand in the competition of over 3 Lakh+ CAT aspirants. And nothing prepares you for a challenge better than taking it head on!

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Why Should You Choose CL’s CAT Test Series?

Rated closest to the actual CAT, our premium CAT Mock Test Series is the perfect choice to elevate your CAT preparation, offering access to full-length CAT mock tests along with sectional and topic-wise tests.

  • Syllabus-specific CAT test series
  • Simulation of the actual CAT environment
  • Drill-down performance analysis of each mock to boost your performance
  • Proven strategies for subject excellence
  • Access to percentile comparison & video solutions
  • National benchmarking among CL students across the country

If you want to explore more such CAT mock tests that can definitely aid in boosting your scores, you can check out CL CAT test series.

Download CAT Previous Year Papers PDF With Detailed Solutions

Solving previous years’ CAT question papers, analyzing errors, and marking the areas that need improvement can help CAT aspirants score well in the actual exam.

Download PDF!!

Why Choose Career Launcher For MBA Preparation?

  • Mentoring by MBA experts with 29+ years of experience
  • Live classes and recorded sessions
  • Regular practice with CAT and non-CAT mocks
  • Detailed analysis of each mock for performance improvement
  • Access to practice questions and section-wise tests
  • Test series closest to the actual MBA entrance exam

Find The Right CAT Prep Program For You

Product Image
₹ 72,999 ₹ 47,499 (35% off)

90 Live Sessions for CAT preparation

25+ Mentorship Sessions

30 CAT Full Length Tests

45 CAT-Based Sectional Tests

315 Topic Tests & Daily Dose Tests for Practice

15 PDP - Knowledge Series' Sessions

9 Live PDP Sessions

3 Mock Interviews

Doubt resolution through Telegram

Physical Study Material

PYQ workshops

Note: Race to 99 is included (Registration Mandatory)

35% off ₹ 72999
Product Image
₹ 62,499 ₹ 37,999 (39% off)

119 Live & Interactive Sessions for CAT Preparation

25+ Mentorship Sessions

30 CAT Full Length Tests

45 CAT-Based Sectional Tests

315 Topic Tests & Daily Dose Tests for Rigorous Practice

Doubt resolution through Telegram

Physical Study Material included + PYQ workshops

Race to 99 is included (Registration Mandatory)

39% off ₹ 62499
Product Image
₹ 7,792 ₹ 3,499 (55% off)

Non-CAT exam specific test series combo with exam-wise mocks and tests

30+ Non-CAT mocks covering MHCET, CUET (PG), MAT, IBSAT, XGMT, and PGDBA

In-depth Performance Analysis Included

55% off ₹ 7792

Frequently asked questions

The best approach to cracking CAT is taking numerous practice tests and going through their analysis. Set a study plan and schedule to prepare for CAT 2025 effectively. Revise your basics and practice mock tests regularly.

The first and foremost thing you should begin with is, reading. Read newspapers, editorials, and magazines. Also, make it a habit to talk to your family and friends in English. Apart from this, it is essential for you to go through the basics of grammar.

Practicing frequently asked question types such as parajumbles, para completion, summary, FIB, and critical reasoning can help you improve rapidly. It is more than essential to go through every mock that you've given. Mark out the difficult words from the RC, and learn their meaning & usage in the context.

The key to scoring well in the DILR section lies in picking the right sets to answer. Choose the sets that you are comfortable with. Only by practicing and analyzing the mocks can you know your strengths and consequently, the kind of sets you should pick up.

There is no right time to start taking CAT mock tests. If you begin your preparations with a mock test, it will give you an understanding of where you stand in terms of preparation and help you identify areas that require more practice. Regularly taking mocks will help you mark your progress and tally your performance with the past mock tests. You should aim for at least one mock per week and take your time analyzing it.

Don't know where to start?

No worries. We're here to help you at every stage of your entrance preparation

Career Launcher's CAT Coaching