NMIMS has introduced a new policy for its Stage 2 selection process, incorporating a Competency Assessment along with an AI Interview. Keeping this latest update in mind, Career Launcher has curated the NMIMS Competency Test and Interview Preparation for those who want to take a step ahead in achieving their dream B-school through NMAT.
*Results under audit
This year, there has been a significant change in the NMIMS MBA selection process, where the majority of the weightage has been given to the Competency Test along with an AI Interview, which is a wholly new addition to the process.
Below is the revised NMIMS MBA Selection Process for 2025, along with the weightage assigned to each selection parameter for your reference:
Revised NMIMS MBA Selection Process 2025 |
Sr. No. |
Components |
Weightage |
1 |
20% |
2 |
Competency Test |
50% |
3 |
Personal Interview |
10% |
4 |
Work Experience |
10% |
5 |
Academic Track Record |
Class 12 performance – 5% Graduation pre-final year CGPA converted to % – 5% |
Total |
100% |
Career Launcher prepares you to stay one step ahead of your peers by offering programs for cracking the top MBA entrance exams. Our courses are based on the latest exam pattern, and we provide flexibility to suit your schedule.
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Request A CallbackIf you are someone who suffers from stage fright and is unable to perform well in interviews, then this is the right program for you. Enhance your communication skills and develop your personality to prepare for the interview rounds of B-schools with the help of:
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Our AI Mock Interview serves as the ultimate guide for interview practice and evaluation, significantly enhancing your preparation and performance.
While quality matters more than quantity, you do not need to worry about it, as our Competency Test & Interview Prep Program will provide you with the real-time experience of the actual test.
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Request A CallbackTo make it extremely easy for the NMAT aspirants, the Competency Test is a totally new concept in the NMIMS selection process and is designed to assess candidates based on their decision-making and managerial skills.
Below table showcases the three main sections of the NMIMS competency test for your reference:
NMIMS Competency Test Pattern |
Sections |
No. of Questions |
Time Duration |
Verbal Ability |
9 |
45 minutes |
Mental Ability |
6 |
Managerial Ability |
5 |
Total |
20 |
The NMIMS Competency Assessment is a self-timed test.
Students will be able to see and answer any question from the three sections within the allotted time.
Each question will have four alternatives, out of which only one will be the correct answer, and every correct answer will fetch you three marks.
There will be negative marking; one negative mark will be deducted for every wrong answer, and zero marks will be given for any unanswered questions.
The answer will automatically be submitted after 45 minutes if you do not hit the SUBMIT button.
The main purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the candidates' abilities to make decisions and their managerial skills, which are the core of any MBA program. Based on the mock released by the NMAT conducting authorities, the following types of questions are asked in the exam.
Q1. Given below is a statement (Cause) followed by possible effects numbered I, II, and III. Read the 'Cause' carefully and decide which of the three can be possible effects.
Cause - Since the past 8 years, college X has been successful in placing only 14% of its students.
Effect I - College X raised its fee substantially last year.
Effect II - The number of admissions in college X has been very low for the past 5 years.
Effect III - A survey showed that top-ranking students in the common admission exam do not wish to opt for college X.
Q2. Six employees, i.e., A, B, C, D, E, and F, are working in a company at different designations, i.e., Chief Legal Officer (CLO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The sequence of the posts is the same as mentioned above, with Chief Legal Officer (CLO) being the juniormost position and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) being the topmost position.
They all have different years of working experience and receive different salaries based on the sequence of their designation the senior-most employee gets the highest salary and has the maximum years of experience, while the junior-most has the least experience and salary). All the information is not necessarily in the same order.
The salary of A is a multiple of 11. The one who has 10 years of experience earns Rs. 10,000 less than F. F is not CFO. At most, one person is senior to D. Only two employees are junior to the one who has 8 years of working experience. The one who is COO has 3 years more experience than the one who is getting Rs. 60,000 as salary. The sum of the salaries of the CLO and CMO is the same as the salary of the one who has the maximum work experience.
15 years is the maximum number of years of working experience. Only two designations are there in between the designations of D and A. The working experiences of the CMO and CTO are in consecutive years. CMO is getting Rs. 50,000 as salary. C is junior to A. The CEO's salary is a multiple of 19. B is junior to C and has work experience equal to the sum of the digits of C's salary. The salary of CTO is less than Rs. 57,000.
Match the employee/designation with the salary.
Employee/Designation: (i) A (ii) COO (iii) B
Salary: (W) Rs. 70,000 (X) Rs. 50,000 (Y) Rs. 55,000
Q1: There is a sentence that is missing in the paragraph below. Look at the paragraph and decide where (1, 2, 3, 4) the following sentence would best fit.
Sentence: Originally, the contextual integration of art in tradition found its expression in the cult. The uniqueness of a work of art is inseparable from its being embedded in the fabric of tradition. (1) This tradition itself is thoroughly alive and extremely changeable. ____ (2) ____ An ancient statue of Venus, for example, stood in a different traditional context with the Greeks, who made it an object of veneration, than with the clerics of the Middle Ages, who viewed it as an ominous idol. Both of them, however, were equally confronted with its uniqueness, that is, its aura. ____ (3) ____ We know that the earliest artworks originated in the service of a ritual - first the magical, then the religious kind. ____ (4) ____ It is significant that the existence of the work of art concerning its aura is never entirely separated from its ritual function.
Q2: Studies reveal that a daily exercise regimen helps stroke survivors regain dexterity in their extremities. Being given an exercise routine and having a consultation with a doctor about the exercise routine are effective mechanisms to get patients to exercise daily. From the above information, which of the following statements can be reasonably inferred?
(1) A stroke survivor who is given a detailed exercise plan and consults her physician about the plan will regain full dexterity in her extremities.
(2) If a stroke survivor is not given an exercise plan and does not consult with a doctor, she will not regain dexterity in her extremities.
(3) Stroke survivors who are given an exercise routine and consult with a doctor about that routine will sometimes regain dexterity in their extremities.
(4) Being given an exercise routine and having a consultation with a doctor about the routine is the best way to help stroke survivors regain dexterity in their extremities.
Q1: Read the following brief followed by the question. The consequences of globalization and technology in today's workplace include the need for effective communication skills to be adapted across cultures. Workers are expected to be accessible around the clock. Also, companies across the globe are accommodating their working style to meet cultural flavors and practices. To improve communication and derive desired results, many organizations have: Choose the most appropriate answer from the options.
Q2: The question consists of a statement and inferences. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and, based on the information given in the statement, decide whether the given inferences can be inferred from the statement.
Statement: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a framework to promote the use of local currencies for cross-border transactions. The MoU covers all current transactions, permissible capital account transactions, and any other economic and financial transactions as agreed upon by the countries.