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"PDP Personalized sessions helped me steer through the interview."



CAT'16 Student Converted IIM B

As they say, "It's not the destination but the journey that counts". And now as I stop to step into one of the important landing places of my life, IIM B, I sit and reminisce the journey to this place. The ride had started 6 months prior to the CAT exam. The distance was long and the terrain difficult but the focus was clear, and the destination decided. I did hit some speed breakers and reach some road blocks, but was undeterred. The first few months were stormy as I had to battle to strike the balance between work and preparation. There were sleepless nights and stressful days. There were times when I hit low trying to explore new ways, paths beyond the boundaries and was left completely astray. But I was motivated to the core to not give up. I fueled my engine with the confidence that "I Can and I will", no matter how many times I fall.

For any journey to be successful, one needs a guide to lead us in the correct direction, helping through the rough and rugged times. And on my journey I did find that guide at Career Launcher. CL's CAT mocks were the perfect trail run before the CAT exam. I didn't score high and roar during the mocks. I wasn't even the topper during any mock. But what was important was the analysis of the mocks. They gave me an idea of the amount of hard work and extra effort that is needed to reach the target. They prepared me for the unpredictable storm, and the icy winds that blow across our minds during the D day. What seemed impossible became possible because the belief I had and the sincerity in the preparation.

But before I could rejoice and end my trip, I had just realized that the "journey had just begun". The most crucial phase of the endeavor, the interviews, were on the way. To drive them was no child's play. The most hounding question was 'why MBA'? Finding an answer to this question was very important, not just because I had the impending task of impressing the panelists but to answer myself as to why I have to leave a bread-winner, my job and pursue an MBA. I had to discover my passion and the real reason behind me embarking on this journey. I was unable to nail it down as to why I really want to do an MBA.

Enroute to finding an explanation I met a man who was compelling, motivating and engaging. I happen to meet him through CL's PDP Personalized program. Through his compassionate words and engaging talks he gets the passion out of you, makes you realize your dream, makes you stand out of the herd. Sreeni Sir, an affable and empathetic teacher. He never taught me how to play safe, he taught me how to be different. And this made all the difference. I went through one of his lectures as to how to write an SOP. Every word racked my brain and motivated every nerve to think. It was because of him that I have realized my area of interest, the solution to my question. I always wanted to enter Media industry, as I always thought of it as the real business in terms of money in and money out. There is a lot of creative control involved in it. Even though many had reservations, he encouraged me to pick this interest of mine and go forward. He propelled my engines and helped me steer through the interview. He never gave me a short route to answer, but he helped to enjoy the ride by myself. He was the charioteer leading me through the battles called "Interviews". Filled up with the much needed confidence I was able to crack the IIM B interview and reach the destination. All is well that ends well, and I had a happy ending with all the support form CL team. Sreeni sir, Raj Sir and Nanda sir, I can't these people enough.

Now as I set sail into another interesting journey and plunge into a sea of challenges ahead I carry with me the words that have always invigorated me.

"In life there is winning and losing and both happens in life. What is never acceptable to me is quitting". Always believe in yourself. It Is the repetition of affirmations that's leads to belief and it's the belief in you that leads to SUCCESS.