Important WAT Topics for IIMs and Other Top Business Schools

Updated on 2nd January 2024 | 3:34 pm | #MBAWATtopics

An important part of the final admission process to MBA programs at top B-schools including the IIMs, XLRI, MDI, and SPJIMR the Written Ability Test is a reflection of your communication skills and command over the written expression. For various B-schools, WAT holds a 10-20 percent weightage in the final selection of candidates.

The name of the admission round can vary based on the university with IIM Ahmedabad calling it the Academic Writing Test (AWT), and IIM Calcutta and IIM Bangalore referring to it as the Writing Ability Test (WAT). After a break due to COVID-19 in 2021 and 2022, WAT has been reinstated for the admission process in 2023 across many top B-schools.

Why WAT Matters in MBA Admissions

Besides the usual exam scores (CAT, MAT, CMAT), top business schools want to see your General & Business Awareness and how well you express your opinions. WAT and Personal Interviews provide insights into how well you can formulate decisions and express them through your writing and communication skills. Since good managers need to communicate effectively, how you write in WAT on various topics and events is crucial.

The Weightage of WAT in the Selection Process

WAT is a 15-30 minute written exam assessing your essay writing skills. IIMs and other top MBA colleges give significant weightage to your WAT performance, along with Group Discussions (GD) and Personal Interviews (PI). This combined evaluation makes up about 10-20% of the final selection decision.

You should start preparing for further admission rounds, including WAT, right after your CAT exam. Practice on various WAT topics covering critical reasoning, situation analysis, and current affairs.

WAT Topics For IIMs

While WAT topics for IIMs and other MBA programs can vary, they often fall into these broad sections Global and Indian Current affairs, Business, Economics and Finance, Social issues, and abstract topics.

WAT topics: Global Current Affairs

  •  Ukraine war and global economic impact
  •  Climate crisis and potential solutions
  •  Rise of artificial intelligence and automation
  •  Cryptocurrency market trends and regulations
  •  International conflicts and diplomatic challenges
  • Space exploration: ethical considerations and potential benefits for humanity
  • Cyber security threats and vulnerabilities in a digital age

WAT topics: Indian Current Affairs

  •  Upcoming 2024 elections and potential outcomes
  •  Economic reforms and policies under implementation
  •  Social issues like gender equality, healthcare, or education reform
  • Technological advancements in India and their impact
  • Demographic dividend in India: Myth or Reality?
  • Increasing social media censorship and its implications for freedom of speech
  • The Rise Of 5G Telecom
  • National Education Policy

WAT Topics: Social Issues

  • The ongoing fight for gender equality and women's empowerment globally
  • Education reform and ensuring access to quality learning for all
  • Addressing mental health issues and reducing stigma in society
  • The impact of immigration on national identity and social cohesion
  • The role of art and media in shaping public opinion and social movements
  • The impact of global travel and cultural exchange on individual perspectives and understanding
  • Corruption in India
  • The rising income gap and its consequences

WAT topics: Business, Economics, and Finance

  • Future of work and evolving job markets
  • Indian Budget
  • Impact of globalization on businesses and economies
  • Role of startups and entrepreneurship in economic growth
  • Challenges and opportunities facing specific industries (e.g., FinTech, healthcare)
  • Business ethics and corporate social responsibility
  • Is the stock market similar to online gambling?
  • The growing importance of data privacy and security in the digital age
  • The gig economy and its implications for traditional employment models
  • The role of central banks in regulating inflation and managing economic fluctuations
  • The challenges and opportunities of remote work in a post-pandemic world
  • The future of traditional banking in the face of the Fintech revolution
  • Universal Basic Income: Solution to Poverty
  • Reduced GST will impact the growth of the Indian Economy
  • Cashless Economy: Is India Ready
  • Corporate Tax Policy in India
  • Slowdown of the Indian Economy
  • The future of traditional brick-and-mortar businesses in the e-commerce era.
  • The impact of trade wars on global trade relations

WAT Topics: Abstract and Ethical

  •  Meaning of life and philosophical questions
  •  Consciousness and the potential of artificial intelligence
  •  Nature of reality and scientific advancements
  •  Future of humanity and potential challenges
  •  Impact of social media on mental health and wellbeing
  • The importance of critical thinking and questioning assumptions in an increasingly complex world.
  • Free will versus determinism: do we truly have control over our choices?
  • The relationship between art and technology in the digital age
  • The concept of truth in a world of conflicting information and perspectives
  • Does technology make us more or less human?

WAT Topics: Management-related

  •  Importance of soft skills in effective leadership
  •  Role of data analytics in business decision-making
  •  Leadership styles and their impact on team dynamics
  •  Managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  •  Challenges and opportunities of remote work
  • Your definition of success and how you plan to achieve it
  • Why do you want to pursue an MBA?
  • What are your ethical considerations when making business decisions?

Predicting exact WAT topics for specific IIMs is tricky, and this is not an exhaustive list and specific WAT topics for IIMs and other B-schools can vary. The key is to stay informed about current events, be familiar with business and economic concepts, and be able to think critically and express your ideas clearly.

WAT Topics: Writing Tips

While there's no single "perfect" essay for every WAT topic, there are strategies and elements you can focus on to write a strong and impactful essay.

Content and Structure

  • Understand the prompt: Read the topic carefully and identify the key question or issue it asks. Don't deviate from the prompt in your essay.
  • Develop a clear thesis statement: This is your central argument or opinion on the topic. State it explicitly in your introduction paragraph.
  • Build a strong body: Support your thesis with relevant arguments, evidence, and examples. Use facts, figures, statistics, or even personal anecdotes to strengthen your points.
  • Consider different perspectives: Briefly acknowledge opposing viewpoints or counter-arguments, and demonstrate why your position is valid.
  • Conclude with impact: Summarize your key points and memorably reiterate your thesis statement. Avoid weak endings like "In conclusion..." or "I hope I have answered the question."

Style and Technique

  • Maintain a formal tone: Avoid informal language, slang, or contractions. Aim for a professional and objective writing style.
  • Write concisely and clearly: Avoid unnecessary jargon or flowery language. Get your point across with simple but effective language.
  • Vary sentence structure: Use a mix of sentence lengths and structures to keep your writing engaging. Short, punchy sentences can emphasize important points, while longer sentences can add depth and nuance.
  • Proofread carefully: Check for grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes. Ensure your essay is polished and error-free.

Additional Tips

  • Practice regularly: Write essays on different topics to improve your writing skills and critical thinking. Time yourself to simulate the actual WAT conditions.
  • Get feedback: Share your essays with friends, teachers, or mentors for constructive criticism. Identify areas for improvement and refine your writing based on their feedback.
  • Stay updated: Keep yourself updated on current affairs, social issues, and general knowledge. This will give you an idea of WAT topics to draw on and support your arguments.
  • Be confident: Believe in your writing abilities and express your thoughts with conviction. A confident tone can make a significant difference in the impact of your essay.

There's no one-size-fits-all formula for the perfect WAT essay. However, by focusing on these elements and practicing regularly, you can significantly improve your writing skills and increase your chances of writing a strong and impactful essay for the WAT.


In the Written Ability Test (WAT) at IIMs, candidates are required to express their opinions and thoughts on diverse topics related to international, national, social, and business events.

The word limit for WAT, or Writing Ability Test, can vary depending on the specific IIM institute and year. However, it typically falls within a range of 200 to 400 words.

The Written Ability Test (WAT) at IIMs involves writing short essays, typically within 15-30 minutes. Candidates express their views on various topics, showcasing their writing skills and opinions.

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