Retirement of a partner means retiring from the partnership i.e. ceasing to be a partner of the firm.
A, B and C are sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2. B retires. His share is taken by A and C in the ratio of 2 : 1. Calculate new profit sharing ratio.
Since B was taking th share in the profits on his retirement his share will be distributed between A and C in the ratio of 2 : 1. Thus,
Share taken by A out of B’s share =
A’s new share = old share + Gain =
Share taken by C out of B’s share =
C’s new share = old share + gain =
New profit sharing ratio of A and C = 7 : 3
A, B and C were partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. Find the gaining ratio when
Since new profit sharing ratio of the remaining partners is not given gain to their remaining partner is in their old ratio.
X, Y and Z are partners sharing profit in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. Y retires and on the date of Y’s retirement goodwill is valued at Rs. 75,000. Goodwill already appears in the books at a value of 48,000. New ratio of X & Y is 3 : 2. Pass the necessary entries;
Date | Particulars | L.F. | Debit | Credit |
X’s capital A/c Y’s capital A/c Z’s capital A/c To goodwill A/c |
24,000 16,000 8,000 |
48,000 |
X’s capital A/c Z’s capital A/c To Y’s capital |
7,500 17,500 |
25,000 |
Working notes:
Y’s share of goodwill = 75000 × = 25,000
Gaining ratio = New Ratio − Existing Ratio
X’s gain =
Z’s gain =
Gaining ratio between X and Z = 3 : 7
X, Y & Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. Z retires and his capital after making adjustment for reserves and profits on revaluation stands at 2, 20,000. X and Y agreed to pay him Rs. 2,50,000 in full settlement of his claim. Record necessary entries for the treatment of goodwill if the new profit sharing ratio is decided 1 : 3.
X, Y & Z are partners sharing profits In the ratio 3 : 2 : 1. X retires from the partnership. In order to settle his claim the following revaluation of assets and liabilities was agreed upon:
Give journal entries if:
Dr. | Cr. | ||||
Date | Paticulars | Amount | Date | Paticulars | Amount |
To land & building To partner’s capital A/c X Y Z |
24,000 32,000 |
By machinery A/c By investment A/c By provision for outstanding bill A/c |
50,000 4,000 2,000 |
56,000 | 56,000 |
Dr. | Cr. | ||||
Date | Paticulars | Amount | Date | Paticulars | Amount |
To land & Building To machinery A/c To investment A/c To provision for outstanding bills To partners’ capital A/c X Y Z |
24,000 50,000 4,000 2,000 32,000 |
By machinery A/c By investment A/c By provision for outstanding bill A/c By land & building By partner’s capital A/c X Z |
50,000 4,000 2,000 24,000 32,000 |
1,12,000 | 1,12,000 |
Date | Particulars | L.F. | Debit | Credit |
Machinery A/c Investments A/c Provisions for outstanding bill To revaluation A/c |
50,000 4,000 2,000 |
56,000 |
Revaluation A/c To land & building |
24,000 |
24,000 |
Revaluation A/c To X’s capital To Y’s capital To Z’s capital |
32,000 |
16,000 10,667 5,333 |
A, B & C are partners in a firm sharing profits in 3 : 2 : 1 ratio. Their balance sheet as on March 31st, 2015 was as follows:
Liabilities | Amount | Assets | Amount |
Capital A B C General Reserve Workmen compensation Fund Profit & loss account Creditors |
95,000 9,000 4,000 6,000 20,000 |
Building Machinery Furniture Stock Debtors Less: provision for bad debts Cash |
35,000 30,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 (2,000) 16,000 |
1,34,000 | 1,34,000 |
On April 2014, B decided to retire. Partners decided as follows:
Prepare journal entries regarding adjustment of reserve and accumulated profits and prepare revaluation Account.
Date | Particulars | L.F. | Debit | Credit |
General reserve A/c To provision for doubtful debts To A’s capital To B’s capital To C’s capital |
9,000 | 1,800 3,600 2,400 1,200 |
Profit and loss A/c To A’s capitalc To B’s capitalc To C’s capital |
6,000 | 3,000 2,000 1,000 |
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
To machinery A/c To furniture A/c To workmen compensation claim To profits transferred to A B C |
3,000 1,000 1,000 7,000 |
By building A/c By B’s capital A/c |
10,500 1,500 |
12,000 | 12,000 |
A, B & C are partners in a firm sharing profits & losses in 11 : 5 : 4 ratios. Balance sheet of the firm as on 31st March was as follows:
Liabilities | Amount | Assets | Amount |
Capital A B C Employee provident fund Creditors Bills payable Outstanding expenses |
2,70,000 90,000 1,12,500 30,000 15000 |
Building Machinery Motor van Furniture Debtors Stock Cash Profit and loss account |
1,35,000 90,000 60,000 15,000 1,20,000 52,500 15000 30,000 |
5,17,500 | 5,17,500 |
On April 2014, A retired from the firm
Prepare revaluation A/c partner’s capital A/c & balance sheet.
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
To motor van To provision for doubtful debts To outstanding electricity bill To profit transferred to A B C |
6,000 12,000 3,000 6,000 |
By building A/c By machinery A/c By furniture A/c By stock A/c |
13,500 9,000 1,500 3,000 |
27,000 | 27,000 |
Particulars | A | B | C | Particulars | A | B | C |
To profit & loss A/c To A’s capital A/c To Cash A/c To bal c/d |
16,500 1,43,825 |
7,500 20,625 63,375 |
6,000 16,500 37,500 |
By bal b/d By revaluation A/c By B’s capital A/c By C’s capital A/c |
1,20,000 3,300 20,625 16,500 |
9,0000 1,500 |
60,000 1,200 |
1,60,425 | 91,500 | 61,200 | 1,60,425 | 91,500 | 61,200 | ||
To bal c/d | 1,84,500 | 61,500 | By bal b/d By bank A/c |
63,375 1,21,125 |
38,700 22,800 | ||
1,84,500 | 61,500 | 1,84,500 | 61,500 |
Liabilities | Amount | Assets | Amount |
Capital B C Employee provident fund Creditors Bills payable Outstanding expenses |
2,46,000 90,000 1,12,500 30,000 18,000 |
Building Machinery Motor van Furniture Debtors Less: provision Stock Cash |
1,48,500 99,000 54,000 16,500 1,08,000 55,500 15,000 |
4,96,500 |
4,96,500 |
X, Y and Z are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio 5 : 3 : 2. On 31st march 2011 balance sheet was
Liabilities | Amount | Asset | Amount |
Creditors Reserve fund Capitals: X Y Z |
1,04,000 30,000 2,70,000 |
Building Plant Stock Debtors Cash Bank |
1,20,000 1,00,000 54,000 50,000 20,000 60,000 |
4,04,000 |
4,04,000 |
X died on 1st October 2011. It was agreed between his executor and the remaining partners that:
Liabilities | Amount | Asset | Amount |
To plant A/c To profit transferred to X’s capital A/c Y’s capital A/c Z’s capital A/c |
8,000 22,000 |
By building A/c By stock A/c |
20,000 10,000 |
30,000 |
30,000 |
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
To drawings A/c To X’s executors A/c |
40,000 2,03,900 |
By bal b/d By reserve fund A/c By Y’s capital By Z’s capital By profit & loss A/c (suspense) By revaluation A/c By interest on capital |
1,20,000 15,000 45,000 30,000 17,500 11,000 5,400 |
2,43,000 |
2,43,000 |
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
To bank A/c To X’s executor’s loan A/c (loan transfer) |
51,900 1,52,000 |
By X’s capital A/c |
2,03,900 |
2,03,900 |
2,03,900 |