UPSC Exam Pattern 2022 For Prelims, Mains & Interview

UPSC Exam Pattern 2021 consisted of three stages- Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The same is expected for UPSC Exam Pattern 2022. UPSC Exam, also known as IAS Exam, is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit suitable candidates for IAS, IPS, IFS, and other allied services. UPSC Civil Services Exam is conducted to assess the overall capabilities of candidates.

This article details the UPSC Exam Pattern for prelims, mains, and interviews. It is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the UPSC Exam Pattern. It will allow you to effectively manage your time thereby making your UPSC preparation more efficient. It is also important to have a deep understanding of the IAS exam pattern to align your preparation with all the exam needs.

Broadly, UPSC conducts the Civil Service Examination in three phases namely:

  • Preliminary Examination

  • Main Examination

  • Personality Test (Interview)

Candidates who qualify for all the rounds are recommended for joining the civil services in India. Each round is an elimination round, so you need to qualify each one in order to appear for the next one. Now, let us discuss the UPSC Exam Pattern 2022 along with the marking scheme for each of the papers in different rounds.

Note: UPSC CSE 2022 notification will be released on 2nd February 2022. The Prelims and Mains Exam are scheduled to be conducted on 5th June and 16th September 2022, respectively.

NOTE: UPSC prelims 2021 has been conducted on 10th Oct 2021 and Main Exam is scheduled to be conducted from 7th to 16th January 2022

UPSC Exam Pattern For IAS Preliminary Examination

UPSC CSE Prelims consists of two papers namely General Studies I and CSAT (General Studies Paper-II). While CSAT is qualifying in nature, the marks obtained in the General Studies paper determine your selection for UPSC Mains. It means your score in the General Studies Paper will be considered for the Prelims cutoff.

Additionally, there is negative marking for the wrong answers. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for the question would be deducted as a penalty for marking the wrong answer. However, if you do not attempt the question, there will be no deductions. Hence, you should take only calculated risks when it comes to marking doubtful questions

Now, let us look at the UPSC Exam pattern for Prelims 2022:

Name of the Paper No of Questions Marks Allotted Time Allotted Nature of Exam
Paper I: General Studies (Objective-type) 100 200 2 hours The score will be considered for Cut-off
Paper-II: General Studies-II (CSAT) (Objective-Type) 80 200 2 hours Qualifying Nature- Candidates will have to score 33% to qualify CSAT.

In reference to the UPSC Exam Pattern, the following points should be kept in mind while appearing for IAS Exam 2022:

  • It is mandatory for all the candidates to appear for both the exams viz General Studies and CSAT to qualify for the Mains.
  • The score obtained in the Prelims will not be added to the final score. UPSC CSE Prelims 2022 will be just for screening purposes.
  • The question paper of Prelims will be bilingual. It will have questions written both in Hindi and English Language.
  • There is a negative marking of 1/3rd for every incorrect answer in both papers.

Check out the subject-wise weightage of each subject of prelims in the linked article.

UPSC Exam Pattern 2022 For IAS Main Examination

The UPSC Exam Pattern for the Mains Exam is tabulated below. The IAS Mains Exam consists of two types of papers viz qualifying and merit-ranking. Paper A and Paper B namely the Language paper and English paper will be qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in these papers will not be added to marks that may determine your rank. All the other papers will be evaluated for merit purposes.




Total marks

Time Allotted

Nature of paper

Type of Paper

Paper A

Compulsory Indian language

3 hours


3 hours



Paper B


3 hours


3 hours



Paper I


3 hours


3 hours




General Studies I

3 hours


3 hours



Paper III

General Studies II

3 hours


3 hours



Paper IV

General Studies III

3 hours


3 hours



Paper V

General Studies IV

3 hours


3 hours



Paper VI

Optional I

3 hours


3 hours



Paper VII

Optional II

3 hours


3 hours



The following points should be kept in mind while preparing for UPSC CSE Mains 2022:

  • Except for language papers, Paper A and Paper B, scores in all the other papers will determine your rank.
  • Hence, your score will be out of a total of 1750 marks.
  • It is mandatory to score at least 25% in each paper to be evaluated during the final selection.
  • Candidates will be required to write the answers in the answer sheets provided by the UPSC. No extra sheets will be provided.

General Studies Paper

The subjects which are covered in different General Studies Paper in the Mains Exam are mentioned as under:

General Studies I

Indian Heritage and Culture, History n Geography, Society

General Studies II

Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, International Relations

General Studies III

Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management

General Studies IV

Ethics, Aptitude, Integrity

Check out the subject-wise strategy for UPSC Mains in the linked article.

List of Optional Subjects for UPSC Mains

Here's the list of optional subjects that can be opted for UPSC Mains:


Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science




Civil Engineering

Commerce and Accountancy


Electrical Engineering







Mechanical Engineering

Medical Science



Political Science and International Relations


Public Administration




The options for literature subjects are:

Assamese Bengali Bodo Dogri Gujarati



















IAS Exam Pattern 2022 | UPSC Interview Process

The interview process is the last and final stage of the selection process of the UPSC Exam Pattern. The interview consists of 275 marks which makes the grand total of maximum marks 2025. Some of the qualities that the board assess in a candidate are:

  • Mental acuity
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Risk assessment skills
  • Crisis management skills
  • Ability to become a leader
  • Intellectual and moral integrity

This was a brief overview of the UPSC Exam Pattern 2022. Keep following our articles to apprise yourself with the latest information about the exam. Career launcher offers you detailed courses for both prelims and mains to help you get through this exam. Watch the below video to further understand the UPSC Exam Pattern:

Read more | Topper-proof tips for UPSC Interview

Check out the full syllabus of UPSC CSE here. And if you are looking for a panacea to boost your prelims score, here’s a course designed just for that! Get in touch with our course counsellors to get additional information on course deliverables.

Frequently Asked Questions

UPSC stands for Union public service commission. UPSC is a government body which conducts recruitment examination for various govt. services including Civil Service Examination every year to recruit IAS, IPS, IFS, and other allied services.

The candidate must have completed a bachelor's degree from any recognized Indian university. However final year students are also eligible to apply.

Candidate age must be between 21 to 32 years old for the General category.

Yes, for the OBC category 3 years of relaxation, and for SC/ST there is a provision of 5 years relaxation. For Defense Service Personnel disabled during service have 3 years of relaxation, ex-servicemen including service officers have 5 years of relaxation, visually challenged, physically challenged and hearing-impaired people have up to 10 years of relaxation.

General category people can attempt max 6 times, OBC category people can attempt max 9 times, SC/ST category no limit to attempt, physically handicapped (both General and OBC category) can attempt 9 times, SC/ST physically handicapped can attempt any no of times.

It is 3 stage examination

  • Preliminary examination – objective paper (comprise of 2 papers GS and CSAT).
  • Mains examination (descriptive)
  • Personality development test (interview)
  • To write the mains exam, a candidate has to qualify in the preliminary examination. If you are shortlisted after the mains exam you will get called for the interview. For final ranking, both Mains & Interview Marks are considered.

It comprises 2 MCQ-based papers that are conducted on a single day. General studies paper –1, consists of 100 questions of 2 marks each. General Studies paper-2 (CSAT) consists of 80 questions of 2.5 marks each. However, CSAT is a qualifying paper. Candidates have to score a minimum of 33.33 % or 66 marks to qualify. Only GS paper- 1 marks are considered for the cutoff. There is 1/3rd negative for every wrong answer in both the papers.

You can go through a detailed analysis of the syllabus from this site

It comprises of total 9 Descriptive papers conducted in 5 days. Paper A- (language paper, you can select any language prescribed by UPSC, however, this paper is not compulsory for Candidates from North-Eastern states of India) and Paper B (Compulsory English language), is qualifying in nature. The remaining papers, Paper I – to Paper VII are considered for the Main Score where each paper carries 250 marks.

Candidates have to select only one optional subject from the choices provided in the UPSC notification. You can also check out how to choose an optional subject here.