UPSC Civil Services Mains 2020 | UPSC Prelims 2020 Scheduled from January 08th | Career Launcher

UPSC Civil Services Mains is the second and most important stage in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Consisting of nine papers, the exam is held at a stretch of five days. The UPSC Civil Services Mains examination is scheduled from 08th January and will be held over a course of five days till 17th January. 

The UPSC Mains examination is a descriptive type exam and is held for the candidates who clear the Preliminary examination. As the Prelims round is qualifying in nature, the selection, as well as the final rank, is pretty much determined by your performance in the UPSC Mains. 

In this article, we will discuss the UPSC Mains Exam Pattern, UPSC Mains Syllabus, UPSC Mains exam dates, results, cut off, and more. Let’s get started:

UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam Pattern

UPSC Mains consists of 9 papers including two language papers, an essay exam, two optional papers, and four General Studies papers. The list of nine papers is given below:




Total marks

Paper A

Compulsory Indian language

3 hours


Paper B


3 hours


Paper I


3 hours



General Studies I

3 hours


Paper III

General Studies II

3 hours


Paper IV

General Studies III

3 hours


Paper V

General Studies IV

3 hours


Paper VI

Optional I

3 hours


Paper VII

Optional II

3 hours


Check out further details about the UPSC Mains Exam Pattern here

UPSC Mains Syllabus

While the syllabus of Prelims is just a sneak-peek of what is actually asked in the exam, the syllabus of UPSC Mains is extremely well defined by the commission. It is extremely important for aspirants to go through the entire syllabus many times before actually beginning the preparation of the exam. It is the syllabus of UPSC Mains that sets the tune for the Prelims exam as well. You can click on the links mentioned above to check out the syllabus of each of the papers in detail or simply click here to read the UPSC Mains Syllabus. 

UPSC Mains Exam Date

The UPSC Mains 2020 is scheduled to happen from 08 January 2021 to 17th January 2021. Here is the full schedule:

Tentative Date/Day

Forenoon Session 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon

Afternoon Session 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.

January 08, 2021 (Friday)

Paper‐I Essay

No Paper

January 09, 2021 (Saturday)

Paper‐II General Studies‐I

Paper‐III General Studies‐II

January 10, 2020 (Sunday)

Paper‐IV General Studies‐III

Paper‐V General Studies‐IV

January 16, 2021 (Saturday)

Paper‐A Indian Language 

Paper‐B English

January 17, 2021 (Sunday)

Paper VI: Optional Paper-1

Paper VII: Optional Paper-2

UPSC Mains Result

Consisting of 7 papers of 250 marks each, the total marks for UPSC Mains is 1750. The result of the qualified candidates is released in a PDF containing the roll numbers of the qualified candidates. Next, they are called for the last and final round which is the Personality Test or Interview which consists of 275 marks. You can check out more about the UPSC Mains Result here

It is indeed a great feeling to see your roll number in the “holy PDF” as many aspirants call it! To make your dream come true, it is imperative to have expert guidance with you throughout your preparation journey. You can check out our mains-specific subject courses that will allow you to put your best foot forward! Check out our courses here or get in touch with our expert counselors who can help you with the most suitable course.

In addition to that, Career Launcher also brings to you several comprehensive courses that are sure to take care of all your preparation needs. You can check out our entire course list here. Should you have any queries regarding the course, feel free to contact our course counselors who will guide you through the course deliverables.