CL CAT Score Booster Analysis

Mock CAT - 01 2019

'Playing to your strengths' is a virtue in an exam like CAT. Keeping a note of your strengths is a good way to ensure that you don't fall prey to wasting time on questions you should have left.

Update your strength finder now to find out how much time you waste on your areas of weakness. Most of the time the reason for poor performance is not lack of knowledge but poor question selection. To check if your question selection is upto the mark, fill the form that pops up when you turn on the Booster analysis, outlining your areas of strength and weakness.

CL SIS - CAT Score Booster

Performance Summary


Good Shot

Good you not only identified the easy question (question from your area of strength) but also got them right. You need to ensure that these question types are not missed in any paper.


Risky Shot

Phew!! Lucky escape!! How much time did these take? Was it worth the effort? Yes you got them right but they weren�t from your strength area. Hope these were done in R2 or R3.


Missed Opportunities

How could you miss these sitters? Was it because you were busy playing Risky Shots & Double Fault? These are from your area of strength, you should have maxed them.


Well left

Good work, you could identify the questions that are beyond you and not from your area of strength. Hope you didn�t waste time on them either.


Unforced Errors

This is criminal. These are the easy questions, from your area of strength that you messed up. Questions that should have boosted your score have ended up reducing it. You need to identify the reason for these silly mistakes. The reason could be that you rushed through the question and missed a couple of words or loss of concentration or calculation errors or plain carelessness.


Double Fault

These questions are responsible for your poor performance. By attempting these questions not only have you wasted time but also earned negative marks. Why did you attempt these questions? What is it that you need to overcome Ego or Fear or Optimism or Love? The time that you wasted in attempting these questions could have been better utilized in attempting the Missed Opportunities.


In Time

A crucial factor in scoring a high percentile is the Time Factor. This parameter lets you know about your strength questions that you attempted smartly and within the time it should be attempted in.


Time Waste

Too bad. Either you wasted time in attempting the questions from your areas of weakness or you took too much time in solving the questions from your strengths. This parameter contributes to all the time you wasted in this mock in which you could have solved more questions from your strength.

Booster Analytics : All India Mock CAT 01 2021

Section :1Total Time Wasted :5m:50s
GS19 23 
UE20 22 25 
RS 1   2   3   4   5   7   8   9  10 11 12 13 14 16 
DF 6  15 17 18 21 24 26 
Section :2Total Time Wasted :23m:23s
GS27 28 29 30 31 32 
MO33 34 35 36 
RS37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 
Section :3Total Time Wasted :38m:46s
GS53 54 55 57 59 64 69 70 
MO61 72 74 76 
UE56 62 66 
RS51 52 60 63 65 71 
WL58 73 75 
DF67 68 

Total time wasted in this mock: 67m:59s.  

You wasted 56.6% of the time in this mock

What Next?

Use the Booster analysis for all your Mocks. Here are some things that will help you evaluate your performance once your questions have been categorized as above

Ideally most of your questions should be in two categories Good Shot & Well Left. If this is the case, then you are safe and probably have a good score in the section.
If there are questions in the other four categories then you have work to do. Identify the cause and work as per the suggestion given above.
If you have a large number of questions in Missed Opportunity, Risky Shot & Double Fault then your question selection is poor because you are trying to solve the difficult (for you) questions in the test and in the process missing out on the easy questions (Missed Opportunity).
A large number of questions in Unforced Errors indicate lack of revision and carelessness.

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